Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Do guys care if we have makeup on?

What is your opinion on make-up ,Do guys care if we have makeup on?
I am a guy and feel if a guy doesn't like you for who you really are then you need to find a new guy. Books can have an attractive cover but if you don't like the plot of the book, then you wouldn't read the whole story. But on a special date (such as prom or a wedding) not wearing make-up would cause a guy to think you may not care about the special dateDo guys care if we have makeup on?
Do I care? Yes, and no.

Only women with a near perfect complexion can look great with no help from makeup. So I wouldn't care about it if they looked great wearing none.

Even still, I think that when used properly, anyone (no matter how beautiful they are without it) can 'enhance' their look with it. They just don't need as much.

And then of course theres the women who just slather it on, and in that case, I don't like it. It bothers me to see people that are unaware of when something doesn't work or looks bad on them.
I think makeup is mostly to show up other women.
i %26lt;3 my makeup....but i would say that some guys care and some guys dont, i hate to say it but i dont think they care as long as u are pretty w/o it.
You know, my husband says he likes me either way. He does not like makeup that is put on with a paddle, he would rather see a woman wear no make up than that. But he tells me I';m beautiful even if I dont wear any.

they just don't know that we're wearing make-up when we are so they think girls look better without makeup
No not really although a little would be nice, not too much. But other than that its nice when a girl goes without make-up, that way you can see their natural beauty
I don't like girls with make-up. This way we see their natural beauty!
i prefer no makeup, but a ';little bit'; is ok
I think they do.... i think they dont like it. but who cares, its ur face and if they dont like it to hell w/them.... be urself and not who they want u to be
Depends on the guy. Some guys think they look better with makeup. Some boys think you look plain up ugly!!
some do,,,a guy that loves you , loves you for what you are not for what you look like , my boyfriend told me the other day when he saw me without makeup '; you are so beautiful';, and i dint think so but at longest hes cool with it im cool. i love makeup and i wont ever stop wearing it.
depends on the guy.
i think they shouldnt care because it doesnt how we look on the outside.it matters on how we r on the inside.
most of the girls i have dated have looked pretty w/o make up i dated 1 girl that wore a lot of make up %26amp; i went 2 see her once @ her apartment just 2 hang out %26amp; almost jumped out the window when i saw her w/o make up
Guy are the ones who say the hate girls with makeup,then saying what movie star he likes next,and we all know they wear lots of makeup.I don't get it.

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