Saturday, December 26, 2009

Do guys really care if a girl wear makeup or not?

I have this natural beauty, and my face is flawless.

But friends and family always told me that I should wear makeup sometimes.Do guys really care if a girl wear makeup or not?
Real is better than fake any day. Forget the war paint and be yourself.Do guys really care if a girl wear makeup or not?
If this is truely YOUR picture up there...You have no need for makeup. Too many people are brainwashed to think that makeup is a requirement to beauty.
yeah , I really hate all that war paint, who do these women think they are, Mimmi ,from the Drew cary show ,anyway??
Do what makes you feel comfortable. If this is your true picture, honey you don't have anything to worry about. Remember, a woman wears make-up when she is trying to cover something up. You don't cover up your natural beauty.
Makeup means your trying to hide something,If i like you its because of whats inside of you not what you put on you face.If you have natural beauty and you face is flawless why try and improve what GOD has already giving you.
guys just see makeup as they are hiding what you really look like. Plus if a guy really likes you for who you are it doesnt matter to them what you look like. If you have a great personality your looks change. I dont know it is weird how that works out.
i always hear my guy friends saying they dont understand why girls wear so much makeup cause ther just gonna take it off.. i only wear a lil bit of eye makeup, eye liner and mascara to enhance my pretty blue eyes .. if i wer you i wouldnt start wearing makeup
i think its a two edged sword because most men like it when their women to look nice for them but at the same time they want it to look natural..a lot of women go overboard with the makeup but if you know how to put it on correctly you can fool anyone..but not everyone has ';flawless'; skin and makeup is there to enhance and even out your skin tone and minimize your flaws not cover it up..if it looks covered up than you put too much..if you have perfect skin than enjoy it and use plenty of sunblock to keep yourself looking young :)
I find make up to be very unattractive on most women.
well I don't think so.My husband gets so mad at me when I wear it told me I didn't need to wear that stuff....You are fine you don't have to wear it.
Nope. Never cared much about that.
Now, I don't know if I would say that your face is flawless, because no one's looks are flawless, even with makeup. But my experience has been that guys tend to go for the girl with a clown's face worth of makeup. Now what does that tells you? It tells me that those guys aren't worth my time because they're materialistic, shallow, and superficial. There are guys, however, that go for the natural beauty. (It's amazing what a change in hairstyle will do for a girl) :)
Don't do it.

Natural beauty is better and you could keep your looks longer.
Flawless, huh? You are very fortunate. The answer to your question is do what you think looks best. If you have natural beauty, then it seems pointless to wear makeup. And if too much is put on, a woman doesn't look like the same person

My wife doesn't ';need'; makeup. She looks great without. But she wears a little anyway. I prefer the natural look.
You face might be flawless (which I truly doubt, honey!), but I'll ';bet the ranch'; your mind is in need for an infusion of add'l brain cells!!!

What a f*cking loser.............

Mr Happy

I really like a natural look. It is refreshing to see in a age of manufactured beauty. Be yourself, I think the quality of guy goes up as well. i never really date girls who wear a lot of makeup if any at all.
Girl you are trippin!! Beauty comes from within...the same pepole telling you to wear make-up are probably intimidated by your ';natural beauty'; I never wear make-up unless it's a special occasion and I don't have a problem getting men! Being comfortable with yourself is way more beautiful than all the make-up MAC, Clinique, and any other company can make!
my guy says i dont need to. but i notice a difference when i do or dont and there are times i wanna get dressed up and do the WHOLE thing ;)
I dont think so. some guys like the au natural look.
...most guys really don't care but then most really notice when a girl does.

...go to the mall and try getting a small amount done at a classy make-up counter in a good dept store.

...then walk around and see what kind of response you get from guys...if you like it then that's your answer.
well i think guy should be with a girl for there natural beauty, my boyfriend hate to much makeup. because when all of that Wash's off, you dint notice them.
i believe that no one should really wear make up. if you like to wear make up and then thats all on you, but no one should say that you should. i prefer females w/o make up. but thats just me. natural beauty is always the best.
I think you should too
if you got natural beauty i wouldn't wear to much makeup, however , i like to see a little makeup even on a flawless girl especially around the eyes and maybe a little lip gloss.
I am 26 on Monday the 29th, and I only wear blush to add color. I feel that when I get older I will need it and don't want to put my skin through the torture now. I don't really need it either and I feel alot better not having a mask on. Do as you feel. If that is your picture you look young enough to not need it. I also never get breakouts or anything on my face....
Let's break down the word. ';Make-up'; as in to make up for something. It sounds like you don't have anything to make up for so you are good.

P.S. Don't bother me again
no, guys dont really care, and if they do . Then they are not the guy for you. If they think your beautiful, then make-up shouldnt matter.
im a guy...i dont like girls with makeup, it makes me think that they are hiding something...just be natural! it is this natural beauty which makes you you, so dont hide it!
I won't ask you to wear make-up when I take you to Hawaii sweetie. :)

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