Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Do guys care if girls wear makeup?

do they like girls more/less if they wear it? do they think girls should wear makeup? just wondering......Do guys care if girls wear makeup?
Not really. Some guys hate make up. It hides the real you, and takes longer to get ready to go out. We are more interested in your personality and a genuine smile than in darker eyelashes.Do guys care if girls wear makeup?
Well no, when you say ';makeup'; to a guy he thinks right away of those girls who wear tuns. But if a guy had to pick from two pictures on w/ no makeup and on w/ a good application of makeup (meaning not tuns just to cover blemishes and to make your natural beauty pop more) they would pick the picture w/ makeup. Most of the time the face they like they think they aren't wearing makeup but they really are.

But my main point is make you makeup natural and the will not care at all.
I don't care much, but if where going out on a date you better put SOMETHING on.

Anything around your eyes, a little something for the lips, don't make me look better than you lol. It would be extremely strange if the guys face is more ';pure'; looking than the girls.
I don't think my fiance is bothered to be honest. As long as I feel confident he doesn't care. He still insists he loves me most first thing in the morning with no makeup and bed head hair (crazy man!) but he understands that I'd feel self conscious going out the house without a bit of makeup on. =)
Some do, some don't.

I don't think there are many men who like a heavy full-face of make-up though.

Just do whichever you prefer and suits you best.

If you do choose to wear make-up, however, don't overdo it because it never looks flattering.
Most say that they don't like makeup.

But they find you somewhat more attractive when you do wear some makeup essentials such as eyeliner,concealer and lipstick.
I consider girls ugly, who put tons of make up. After washing their faces, they have an ugly green tan.

So if you put make up at all, put little amount on the face and wash it after coming home.
guys shouldnt care lol its a girls choice
well idk most guys just say u dont need make-up dont wear it but there the guys who really lyk you
i think most guys like it, they think it makes us look special
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