Saturday, December 26, 2009

I use makeup everyday, how can i take care of my face?

Like i heard you are suppose to exfoliate 2-3 times a week but idk with what or how and i recently been getting alot of breakouts and before i used to not even get a pimple...i use alot of mac on a daily basis i use a moistorizer before applying my foundation and ever since i have i've been getting pimples like crazy, and also i've noticed i've started to get these small holes on my face like today i noticed a new one and its not just around my nose and its started to scare me because thats the reason i didnt want to start using makeup in the first place...umm nd what can i do so i can protect my face from getting damaged since i use makeup everyday i dont want to look like those girls that look nasty with no makeup...i know its alot of ?s but i need to know..I use makeup everyday, how can i take care of my face?
1. you need to wash ur face before and after applying makeup (Proactiv)

2. you should also use the nose strips (once a week) that take off the blackheads from ur nose, cheeks and forehead. (PONDS)

3. you need to mousterize daily (Oil Of Olay)

this is my routine and i do not have any breakouts.I use makeup everyday, how can i take care of my face?
i know, i don't wear makeup. first off stop what ever it is you were doing t get the quick breakout, then ananlyze what you are putting on your face, its highly possible there is something in it that your skin doesn't like. make it a rule of thumb to NEVER go to bed wearing makeup
get a exfoliating scrub that says you can use it everyday

use it and then moisturize every morning before putting on make-up

then use a cleanser and moisturizer again at night

and use pimple cream too if you need it
Leyla, you're missing a good skin care regimen - I like the products at Get the regimen for your skin type (oily or normal/dry). The instructions should come w/your order and check out aularaletv.
Using make up everyday, can cause breakouts.

Must wash your face twice day and night.

My recommendation is.

Use a exfoliating cleanser that is safe to use everyday. This will prevent pores or holes you have right now. Which cleanse deep in to your skin that cause clogging or so.

If you haven't found one just yet, I suggest you should use Dove as a cleansing soap, it is great on sensitive skin, safe and ideal for facial cleansing. If it doesn't work then you can throw it. This gives a really deep good clean, that can cause clogging.

But I much recommend a exfoliating scrub for makeup user.

Use a toner, this tighten your skin and collagen. Prevent pores or tighten pores.

Use a suitable moisturizer for your skin type, to protect your skin.

The most important is use sunscreen on top of your moisturizer, there is a few in the market which is non oily. This will prevent aging caused by make up or the environment.

Use a mask once a week.

What I also think is that you gradually cut down and try to make a new naturall look. Using very minimal make up. So you can get use to your look without makeup and then hopefully don't feel miserable when you have no make up on.

You might be clogging your pores with your foundation, so a primer might help out. It'll be a barrier between your skin and the foundation. Also, you'll want to make sure you're washing your brushes often and if you're using sponges, make sure you're throwing them away after every application. That'll keep bacteria that causes breakouts away from your face. Other than that you should make sure you wash your face every morning and every night. And you exfoliate your face with an exfoliator. You can find them wherever you find face washes. I use St. Ives Apricot Scrub and you just rub it on a damp face (just like you were washing your face) and it'll scrub off all the dead skin. Hope that helped! Good luck!
Here's what you need to know:

Makeup does not cause acne. Acne is caused by hormonal fluctuations in the body that cause pores to release more oil (sebum) than normal. Acne occurs when skin cells don't slough off, getting trapped with bacteria and that extra oil in the pore.There are two key ingredients you need in your skin care products to treat acne. The first is benzoyl peroxide. Benzoyl peroxide kills the bacteria trapped in the pore. The second is beta hydroxy acid (BHA), or salicylic acid. Salicylic acid exfoliates the pores. For salicylic acid to be effective in a product, the product must have a low pH-level.

You must also make sure that the products you use don't contain irritants or oil. Irritating ingredients can make skin problems, like acne, worse. Fragrance is a too-common irritant in makeup and skincare. Only use oil-free foundation, concealer and moisturizer. If your pores are already producing more oil than normal, you don't need to add to it.

Now, a good skin care regime includes:

A water soluble, general cleanser with no irritating ingredients. Don't bother getting one with salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide in it. Cleansers get washed down the drain along with any acne-fighting ingredients before they have a chance to work. If you've worn makeup that day, wash your face twice to remove it all.

A gel/serum/lotion with salicylic acid. Applied after cleansing.

A gel/serum/lotion with benzoyl peroxide. Applied after cleansing.

Good, water-soluble, irritant-free cleansers:

Cetaphil cleansers

Clean %26amp; Clear Foaming Facial Cleanser for Sensitive Skin

Neutrogena Fresh Foaming Cleanser / One Step Gentle Cleanser / Extra Gentle Cleanser

pHisoderm Deep Cleaning Cleanser / pH2o Daily Replenishing Wash

Good BHA (salicylic acid) products:

Neutrogena Oil-Free Acne Stree Control 3-in-1 Hydrating Acne Treatment.

Proactiv Clarifying Night Cream.

Good benzoyl peroxide products:

Oxy Lotion, Vanishing Acne Medication

Clean %26amp; Clear Persal-Gel 10 Maximum Strength

Clearasil Vanishing Acne Treatment Cream

This info is based on dermatological research. These products contain the right level of active ingredients to work and do not contain irritants.

You literally do not need anything else in your skincare lineup, except perhaps an oil-free moisturizer if you have some dry patches (try Neutrogena's lineup). You do not need a scrub or a mask. The salicylic acid is doing all the exfoliation you need.

Never use a bar soap on skin where you get acne. Bar soaps contain pore-clogging ingredients to maintain that bar form. An acne no-no!

Good luck!

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