Saturday, December 26, 2009

Makeup && hair?

i dont think i wear too much makeup, but what do you think is too much? i wear a lot of black on my eyes, but i dont look like a tramp or anything. %26amp;%26amp; my hair, i tease the bottom part of it so its big, do you think that look is like, out?Makeup %26amp;%26amp; hair?
Ease up on the eye make up.Makeup %26amp;%26amp; hair?
well not for sure but in my expirience guys like makeup that looks like its not there. I wear mascara and sometimes like a gold eyeshadow. as for the hair if its black than you shouldn't tease it. acctualy i think the same thing goes for hair. if you have curly hair put moose in it when its wet. if its srait then just leave it the way it is. maybe get some side bangs. and ask your friends what they think. most important if you like yourselfe the way you are then just stay the way you are.

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