Friday, January 8, 2010

I was wondering how I should do my hair, makeup, and clothes for the first day of school?

My style is pretty much a mix of everything, but I like the more trendy stuff. I have long dark brown hair with carmel and red highlights and brown eyes.I usually just straighten or scrunch my hair, so I want something different. I love trying new makeup; I buy new stuff like every 2 weeks so I'm pretty open about that.I was wondering how I should do my hair, makeup, and clothes for the first day of school?
I love your hair just from the sound of it. Ok heres what I think you would look fab in...just bare with me


Wear it in a half ponytail, but curl the ponytail


Ripped Blue jean capris

light washed color


A Hollister polo a striped one...or just a yellow one, white lace undershirt


Lightly line eyes, and add a light pink shadow, with matching gloss


Converse :)I was wondering how I should do my hair, makeup, and clothes for the first day of school?
you can first curl your hair. if you can get some streak into it. blonde of purple will look beautiful. for the makeup use something light but stand out. use some miscara. use some blush. for your skin use some bronze if you have some. the clothes......ummm.....wear a lime green shirt with a with a purple jumple that has a zip and zip it half way. wear a long blue or any other colour necklace. then for the bottoms wear skinny jeans with some ballet flats( if you are not sure what are ballet flats or what ballets flats look like. go to google images and type in ballet flats.) GOOD LUCK!
- Hair: wash your hair and condition it the night before the first day of school. braid it into pigtails (french braids will create a subtle wave, while braids from the ears down will give a perfected wave), and let it sit overnight. in the morning, take out your braids and rub a small amount of anti-frizz serum into your palms. smooth over your hair. you can wear a headband that matches your outfit, or use a ribbon as a headband.

- Makeup: wash your face and put on a non-oily moisturizer. start with a foundation only where you need it and apply with a sponge (try the round ones from sephora. they are about $4 per pack, and they come with four sponges). next, apply bronzer (again, try sephora. ask one of the employees for a good bronzer under $20) with a brush on your cheekbones, the bridge of your nose, and on your hairline to give a natural glow. because my bronzer is a powder, i can use that as eyeshadow, too, without it looking too overdone. now add your favorite mascara. now add some lip balm (it doenst have to have color. the natural look is best for the first day of school)

- Clothes: its pretty much up to you. it depends on where you live, especially. i live in texas, and when i start school at the end of august, its still blazing hot. i would suggest grey plaid shorts that fall just above the knee a cute t-shirt, a long necklace to match, and flip-flops.

hope this helps. mssg me if you need any more help =]

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