Monday, April 26, 2010

What should I do with my bf hair, makeup, nails?

He lost a MAJOR bet to me and the deal is for him to go 10 days wearing girl clothes. I got some great answers on what he needs to wear, but I would love to see some ideas on hair, makeup, and nails! Thanks for all your help!What should I do with my bf hair, makeup, nails?
Do finger and toe nails in bright red, its the most conspicuous. Make-up should be red lip-stick and shimmery eye shadow. Hair should be swept back with a pink head band, or girly barrettes (like the plastic bows that little girls wear). Have fun with it!What should I do with my bf hair, makeup, nails?

Makeup-Trampy make up like blue eyeshadow (really intense) really thick eyeliner.Lipgloss.

Nails-Pink and some sparkles.

Rofl.I can imagine a gay guy wearing this.

Good luck :)

Put on a trashy blonde wig and paint his nails pink.

that would be so funny.

make sure his either wearing a dress or skirt. Maybe make him look abit like paris

ohh.. put on real redish or lite pink lipstik.. lol\

Hope it helpedd
Get a barbie doll and leave the poor boy alone.
paint his toenails red, temp highlight his hair and make him wear womans underwear.........discreet but effective!!!

what was the bet and what would you have had to done if you lost?
Wig or if his is long enough curls. Red finger and toenail polish , eyeliner the color of eyes , make up to blend to face color.
ewwww why would you want your boyfriend to look like a girl for ten days that means your bi or something like girls ODDDD

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